Important News About This Blog:

UPDATES! – A complete audio recording of this conference, with a list of panelists in order of their speaking, is available here:

The Conference talk given by Jenny Brown that you can hear in the above audio was developed into the book Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work, published in 2019.

Other good news:  a terrific volunteer has begun work on editing a video of the entire Conference.

Meanwhile, you can read below the past posts on this blog, poke around in the blog’s other sections, and go to the Redstockings online library for primary source material from the radical rebirth years of the women’s liberation movement and to learn more about Redstockings.

For women’s liberation, nothing less

Misnamed “Women’s Equality Day” Obscures the Past and Present Struggle

September 1, 2016

A few days ago, on August 26th, the President of the United States once again proclaimed that which, for too many decades, has been confusingly dubbed “Women’s Equality Day.”  August 26th is the day in 1920 when the 19th Amendment finally made it into the U.S. Constitution.  But was this an amendment securing “women’s equality” on all fronts?  No.  After all, that’s what the struggle for the Equal Rights Amendment (the “ERA”) has long been aiming for.  The ERA is still not in the Constitution.

1917-11-08 The Suffragist Behind Bars embdThe 19th Amendment was the official victory of women’s long fight for our right to vote on equal terms with men.  The battle was won less than 100 years ago.  For much longer than that, women of the U.S. were openly denied the right to vote on the grounds that they were women (though in a few states, women won the right a little earlier).

The passage of the 19th “Woman’s Suffrage” Amendment was paradoxically both a huge and a tiny step toward women’s equality and democratic voting rights for all.  Huge, of course, because the right to vote is such a deep and important democratic principle.  This is undoubtedly why it took such an arduous, organized feminist struggle — and even a World War and revolutionary pressures from abroad — for us to win it here in the U.S.

Suffragette Pickets Demanding Hearing for Imprisoned Leader

These ten women had just been released from a sixty day sentence in a Washington workhouse following a picket at the White House, Washington D.C. Image by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS. Date unknown.

But the victory was also a tiny step — both toward fully equal rights and freedoms for women AND toward a truly democratic voting system with voting rights and access for all.  When the 19th Amendment was enacted in 1920, for instance, African American women in most of the South gained for the first time only the same right to vote that African American men had: which is to say that both now officially had the right in the Constitution, but in practice, African American women joined African American men in facing the massive denial of their voting rights through violence and deceptive practices.

Even now in 2016, as the President marks the winning of women’s suffrage under the banner of “Women’s Equality Day,” new highly restrictive voter ID laws are reverberating and spreading from state to state, targeting neighborhoods of low-wage, unemployed people and people of color with “surgical precision,” and making areas with dense immigrant populations like Arizona known as “The Mississippi of the West.”  There are far more limitations on U.S. voting rights than we’ve realized, and excluding people based on race and sex are only some of the restrictions we have faced.

1969-1-20 Counter Inaugural embdThe right to vote for women proved such a tiny step, so disappointingly ineffective and ornamental that in 1969, nearly 50 years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, some of the militant women’s liberation organizers dramatized this with a demonstration to “give back the vote” because our country still showed little progress toward true women’s equality, even with women in the ballot box.  “We were cheated,” a flier from 1969 reads, “Emancipation was a lie.  For a century our grandmothers fought, and look what they got!  The vote! The worthless token of power we never had!

After almost 50 years of stalled feminist progress, these women in the 1960s were learning that the voting tool isn’t enough for women to be liberated. Ironically, the Suffrage movement leading up to the 19th Amendment is testament to the fact that feminist organizing and struggle carry as much weight, if not more, than the vote itself.  We won the right to vote without having the right to vote.  The vote can only be a supplement to the feminist fight as a whole.

1970-08-26NYC_ad_voice_fist embdIn fact, mass-movement organizing is what precipitated “Women’s Equality Day.”  On August 26, 1970, the 50th anniversary of the women’s suffrage victory, more than 20,000 women filled 5th Avenue in New York City, marching in a Women’s Strike for Equality.  Outside of New York others marched in 42 states, 90 U.S. cities, with solidarity actions all over the world.

These actions on “strike day,” and the several years of spirited mass-organizing that preceded it, may have been what led to the overstated-yet-bland “Women’s Equality Day,” but the demands of the strike were for so much more than a symbolic commemorative day: the marchers wanted equal opportunity in education and employment, free 1970-08-26,The New Broadside Oct. 1970 Vol. 1 No. 1 p. 5, 9-26-1970 embd medabortion on demand, and 24 hour child care centers.  These are demands for programs that would bring the vast majority of women closer to full equality — far more than just the vote.  But the false equivalency of “Women’s Equality Day” with what would be better named “Women’s Suffrage Day” refuels the myth that the vote liberated us.

This tough herstory reminds us that even though we have the option to vote this year for a female president who has a chance to win in an unfair voting system that desperately needs changing, this is likely to prove as inconsequential to women’s continuing overall advance as the new radical feminists of the 1960s found that winning the vote had been for the first 50 years.  Not to mention that the United States is severely behind many other countries on the planet, who have had female leaders for decades.

And that’s only one small example of how the U.S. falls short for women, and most of its citizens.  We are also behind many other countries in attaining the social programs like free childcare and college, as well as laws mandating paid parental leave, shorter workweeks, and vacations for all workers.  Such programs, with a fighting feminist union behind them, can be a springboard to full liberation and equality for women.

Naming August 26th “Women’s Equality Day” obscured the actual victory being celebrated, keeping women from knowledge of its lessons.  We have much work to do outside the ballot box.  The pallid, misunderstood celebrations of “Women’s Equality Day” are over.  It’s time to get to work.

– Adrielle Munger and Kathie Sarachild

New Challengers to Prioritizing the Transgender Issue, and a Report on the Radical Feminist Panel Critiquing “Gender Identity” at the Recent Left Forum

You’ll find below an account of the recent Left Forum’s lively workshop on “Deconstructing Gender Identity Under Male Supremacy,” announced and described in our last blog post. The report is from Kathy Scarbrough, one of the panelists. 

Meanwhile, as the principles and ideology of “sex class” vs “gender choice” oppression got debated by panelists and participants at the Left Forum workshop, two African-American women are courageously raising the movement priorities question, challenging the attention and support that the U.S. president, corporations, and the mass media are giving the transgender issue over more urgent concerns of larger minorities and injustices. This of course includes the injustices faced by the female 52% majority and the even larger 99% majority whose level of health, wages, and other living standards have been declining for decades.


In Atlanta, Maya Dillard Smith, Director of the Georgia ACLU chapter, has left the organization because of disagreements over the priority of transgender rights in the group’s agenda. She calls the ACLU “a special interest organization that promotes not all, but certain progressive rights. In that way, it is a special interest organization not unlike the conservative right, which creates a hierarchy of rights based on who is funding from the organization’s lobbying activities.” This image is from an article in Saporta Report, “ACLU’s Maya Dillard Smith: ‘I am unapologetically Black'”

Maya Dillard Smith has taken a strong stand questioning such priorities. She resigned as board member of the ACLU in Atlanta. Margaret Kimberley, columnist for the Black Agenda Report, also pursues this question in a post on her “Freedom Rider” blog, “Transgender Rights but No Rights for Black People.” Debating “intersectionality” and what it really means is all very well when it comes to trying to change ideas and culture, but for actual struggles to address the most pressing needs and help the lives of the most people, resources for campaigns have to be justly allotted and battles picked on the most defendable criteria.

A Report on the Radical Feminist Panel and Discussion at the Left Forum, May 22, 2016

Here’s the report that Kathy Scarbrough sent about the Left Forum panel. She writes that there may soon be a video of the panel available – for an update, keep checking this blog or the Redstockings facebook page (you don’t have to be “on” facebook to read it).

The Left Forum panel I participated in, Deconstructing Gender Identity Under Male Supremacy went very well on Sunday May 22nd.  We had an interesting variety of perspectives represented by 4 members of the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) on the panel — I did the biology of sex , including “brain sex”, we had a lawyer who talked about how gender “identity” is not yet a protected class and the current drive to expand the use of Title VII and Title IX overriding the protections in place for women. Someone else talked about the politics of all the new terms: TERF, uterus-bearers, chest feeding, front hole, etc. and testified how she became the target of trans advocates for doing anti-prostitution work.   The last panelist gave a personal story as a mother whose daughter wanted to transition from the ages of 13 until she changed her mind at age 17.  This mother discussed clearly how it was male supremacy, particularly our pornified culture that made this child want to be a boy.  It was interesting how some people tuned in to one or the other presentations, particularly the personal story seemed to touch a number of people.

Interestingly, the crowd was rather open to our analysis that male supremacy is the cause of the misery that both women and transgender people face.  We talked about the overlap in analysis– and the differences– between feminists, the conservative right and transgender ideology. Lots of murmurs of support while we were speaking.  There were about 30 people in the room, a decent mix of young, older, white, black, hispanic.  Majority female but not overwhelmingly so.  During the discussion following the presentations one young person started out her comment with “I feel like you are transphobic” but she didn’t press it and she didn’t elaborate.   There were a couple other skeptical young ‘uns and I don’t think we changed their minds but I was really glad they came and heard our position.

Another woman said she disagreed with my biology but didn’t elaborate then went on to another subject.  I suspect she didn’t like the statement that women’s oppression is based on sex, in particular on reproduction.  We were talking afterwards about how many women who choose not to use their reproductive potential argue against that potential as being related to their oppression.  Like somehow because you don’t use it, you aren’t part of the class of people who have that potential.

Most of the “questions” were a chance to pontificate, as usual, but I had the impression that the conversation could have kept going for quite a while longer if our time wasn’t up and the next panel wasn’t moving into the room.  We arranged to have the panel videotaped and the link will be available sometime in the future.

All of the members of our panel were WoLF (Women’s Liberation Front) members and following our panel we went to support the WoLF members who have started a chapter of Warrior Sisters self defense group ( in NYC.  Warrior Sisters presented an explanation of their goals and how they see women’s self defense playing a role in women’s liberation. They argued basically that its a grassroots feminist recruiting tool, feminist development project.  All their self defense classes are free.  Right now they hold one every Saturday in the Bronx.  The founding chapter is in Eugene Oregon and they also have a group working in Tulsa, OK, and British Columbia, CA. They do an interesting combination of thinking/talking about self defense and women’s rights and learning physical techniques.

– Kathy

For some of Kathy’s scientific, feminist analysis of gender, read her “Short Take: Sloppy Science Invoked to Support Trans Ideology” and her talk, “Women’s Liberation Is Based on Sex not Gender” from the 2014 “A Revolutionary Moment” Boston University Conference. As she mentioned, Kathy Scarbrough is a member of Women’s Liberation Front, or WoLF, an active group whose members strive to produce radical feminist analyses on many fronts. Read a recent article by a WoLF member who calls out capitalist patriarchy in the mainstream transgender conversation, in “Gender, Patriarchy, and All That Jazz,” published on Counter Punch.

Radical Feminist panel at the NYC Left Forum, Sun. May 22, 2016, 10 – 11:50 am: “Deconstructing Gender Identity Under Male Supremacy”

New York City ­ – Come hear Redstockings veteran Kathy Scarborough and other radical feminists dig into the differences between sex and gender, and how male supremacy is maintained by gender identity politics.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1898 Women and Economics Ch 4

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a feminist and socialist theorist, novelist, and poet­­ of the late 19th and early 20th century U.S.A., is probably most famous for her 1898 book “Women and Economics,” in which she wrote the brilliant and radical quote above – a quote that challenges both the liberal and conservative versions of biological determinism used to justify the continued oppression and exploitation of human females.

A biochemist and physiologist, Kathy Scarbrough has been active in women’s liberation since the late 1970’s. On Sunday, Kathy will continue her scientific and feminist dissection of the concept of gender, including the myth of feminine and masculine brains. She’ll be building on ideas in “Forbidden Discourse: The Silencing of Feminist Criticism of ‘Gender,'” which was signed by a racially and internationally diverse array of pioneers of the feminist “Second Wave.” In this you can find some elaboration of the ideas that Sunday’s workshop will consider.

As so often is the case, radical feminists have to be the first to say that the emperor has no clothes, so these brave panelists can use support from as many who can attend as possible. Of course, heartfelt, logical and informed debate from all sides will help sharpen the understanding that the female liberation movement needs to improve its aim and strengthen its firepower.

Here are some additional suggested readings to prepare for the post­-panel discussion and debate:

What Makes a Woman?
by Elinor Burket
June 6, 2015. The New York Times.

An African-American Woman Reflects on the Transgender Movement
by Nuriddeen Knight
June 4, 2015. Public Discourse.

Who Has Abortions?
by Katha Pollitt
March 13, 2015. The Nation.

What Is a Woman? The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism
by Michelle Goldberg
August 4, 2014. The New Yorker.

Dear White Gays: Stop Stealing Black Female Culture
by Sierra Mannie
July 9, 2014. Time Magazine.

Location Details, Panelist Bios and More Info:

The panel “Deconstructing Gender Identity Under Male Supremacy” will be presented at the Left Forum from 10­­-11:50 am on Sunday, May 22, 2016, at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 524 W 59th st. between 10th and 11th aves. Childcare is also provided at the Left Forum!

For an abstract of the “Left Forum radical feminist workshop” and biographies of all the panelists click here:­gender­identity­under­male­supremacy

For more general info on this year’s annual 3 -day Left Forum conference in NYC, and to register for the conference in whole or in part, visit

Jan 9 2016, Saturday NYC: Ros Baxandall Memorial Salute – Come celebrate and learn from the life of a Women’s Liberation Activist and Radical Herstory Detective, 1960s to 2015

Location info:
From 2 – 4 pm
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012

Some highlights of Ros’s activism, in word and deed:

1968, June: “Roz’s Page,” in New York Radical Women’s Notes From the First Year, edited by Shulamith Firestone. Already unearthing gems from radical herstory (and counter-herstory)

1968-06, Roz's Page, cover highlight,,  Notes from the First Year, NY Radical Women

1968-06, Roz's Page, Notes From the First Year, NY Radical Women

The complete Notes from the First Year is available on the Redstockings website.

1968, August: Picketing for birth control rights at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

1968-08,Time Mag, R. Baxandall L, Cisler,Bill Baird birth control protest, St Patricks
1968, Halloween:  Hexing Wall Street on the first action of W.I.T.C.H., (Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell). Click here for a slideshow by photographer and singer Bev Grant, another WITCH activist. Ros is carrying the Women’s Liberation sign and wearing her radical herstory cape which reads: WITCHES The Original Women GUERILLAS

1969, Jan. 20: Marching with Shulamith Firestone in the “Feminism Lives” contingent at the Conter-Inaugural demonstration, protesting  Nixon’s inauguration as President. “Give Back the Vote” signs were to draw attention to the new Women’s Liberation Movement’s realization that women winning the vote in 1920 in the U.S. hadn’t gotten us very far toward achieving equality.

1969-1-20 Counter Inaugural embd
1969, March 21: Redstockings Rap About Abortion. Ros takes part in a panel of women who dare to testify in public about their then criminal abortions. This is the new women’s liberation movement’s first “speakout.” Click here for Susan Brownmiller’s article about it in The Village Voice.


After having a child and getting active in New York City’s first women’s liberation group Radical Women in early 1968, Ros became a strong voice for demanding community childcare as an essential part of liberating women. She and other activists built Liberation Nursery to provide day care for themselves and to help spark a broader movement. As part of the new Women’s Liberation demand, men as well as women worked in their childcare center. Read Ros’s article about city-wide childcare organizing in the 1971 first edition of Woman’s World, a feminist newspaper put out by some Redstockings veterans.

1971 childcare New York City Sit In Redstockings

1971: Sit-in for childcare centers in the office of NYC’s Human Resources Administration. Woman’s World photo by Kathie Sarachild, Redstockings Archives.

1971: Ros becomes a professor in the American Studies Department  at Old Westbury College on Long Island in New York.  She teaches there for decades, becoming Chair of the department.

1976: First edition of America’s Working Women, edited by Rosalyn Baxandall, Linda Gordon, and Susan Reverby. A second edition, edited by Ros and Linda Gordon, was published in 1995.

Americas Working Women Rosalyn Baxandall Linda Gordon.jpg

The second edition of America’s Working Women, 1995

1979 September, 6: Ros joins in the protest against the censorship by Gloria Steinem and Random House of several articles in the 1978 edition of the book Feminist Revolution by Redstockings and efforts at censoring even news of the censorship. For copies of the “abridged” Feminist Revolution, the censored articles and documents from the story of the censorship, go to Carol Hanisch’s website.

1987: Publication of Ros’s collection of selected  writings, speeches, poems and journal entries of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, legendary orator and organizer – first for the “Wobblies” of the I.W.W. (International Workers of the World) and then speaker, writer, and organizer for the Communist Party, through a five year period in jail and until her death.

Words On Fire
1989, March:  At a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Redstockings Abortion Speakout, Ros testifies again about her experience with abortion, before and after it was no longer “criminal.”

1989 Redstockings Speakout Ros Baxandall.png
2000:  Ros and Linda Gordon publish Dear Sisters, a collection of excerpts from the pamphlets, fliers, posters and other “agit prop” from the 1960s through the 1970s explosive rebirth years of the Women’s Liberation Movement.

Dear Sisters Ros Baxandall Linda Gordon Redstockings.jpg

2013, March 27: Ros participates in a “flash mob” action organized by National Women’s Liberation to press for the Morning After Pill to be available without a prescription for women of all ages.

2013-03-27flash mob,crd+cap,Ros Baxandall,left,National Womens Liberation.jpg

2015, August 1: National Women’s Liberation sends a message of deep appreciation to a tribute gathering for Ros Baxandall held a couple of months before she died.

Here are some of the obituaries written about Rosalyn Baxandall, from The New York Times to the radical online journal Jacobin. Sheila Rowbotham, a longtime friend of Ros, writes in the UK’s Guardian.  Not everything is accurate in them, but her spirit shines through.

The New York Times: Rosalyn Baxandall, Feminist Historian and Activist, Dies at 76

Jacobin: Remembering Rosalyn Baxandall

The Guardian: Feminist historian and activist who helped to launch New York Radical Women

Herstory is Powerful: Why the Stickers? Why Now?

Since the “This Oppresses Women” sticker from the Redstockings Archives has gone viral, with a flurry of  favorable coverage from women reporters at Huffington Post, Cosmo, MTV, and iDiva and hundreds of women writing us to request stickers to use, we thought  it would be valuable to look at the thinking behind re-launching the 1969 sticker.

The following letter was written by Kathie Sarachild, one of the teachers of the Women’s Liberation class offered in the fall of 2014 by Redstockings and National Women’s Liberation.  Students in the class were planning a street action, as a practical application of the ideas they learned in the class.  (The class was originally taught in 1991 by Gainesville Florida Women’s Liberation, and, as a principle of the curriculum, always culminates in an action.)

From: Kathie Sarachild
Date: Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 5:00 PM

I think we should take the position that the sexualization (sex objectification?) of human females by the corporate world of mass commercial advertising and mass communication, and in fashion ads and porn, are the main source of the problem — flooding men and women with false and exploitative measures of female appearance by which men are enticed to judge women, as both present or potential employees and in personal relationships, as mates, etc.

These images by the men in the corporate boardroom also harass women on a daily basis and fuel the harassment by men on the street.

These images by the men in the corporate boardroom also harass women on a daily basis and fuel the harassment by men on the street.

Redstockings, in the late 1960s, initiated as a form of fight back against this form of street harassment the plastering on sexploitation ads in the street, shopping malls and mass transportation of stickers saying “this oppresses women” and “this exploits women,” and we believe that activists should be doing this again. But the most important part of the fightback and solution lies in the growing power of the organized unity of women for a power base for women’s liberation.  With this, we can impact the sexism of everyday working men, to make it easier to build a united movement of working people to tackle the main source of the many problems emanating from the unfair, undemocratic rule, and economic exploitation of the tiny percent of monopolists who are now running the lives of most of us and running the country into the ground.

Graphic accompanying Susan Brownmiller's March 15, 1970 New York Times article.

A piece of the graphic accompanying Susan Brownmiller’s New York Times Magazine article “Sisterhood is Powerful,” March 15, 1970. Note that this graphic has been removed from the New York Times archival link.

To give an idea of the historic sticker campaign, and as an example of mining the Archives for Action for ideas to use today, we can link to Susan Brownmiller’s March 15, 1970 article in the NY Times Magazine called “Sisterhood Is Powerful,” which has images of “This ad insults women” stickers slapped on sexist ads [note that we later found that image has been removed from the New York Times archival link].  And we could also do our own “This oppresses women” sticker from 1969 and put it on one of today’s ads.  It would take a little more time, but I’ve been wanting to propose our making up new stickers like this…

I’ve been meaning to raise this whenever the groups get into this “street harassment” stuff, which I’ve found “low consciousness,” I guess you could say, compared to when we aimed more at [men at] the top in the earlier part of the movement (especially cause those ads affect all our relationships, whereas some of us somehow don’t get street harassed very much.  Even when I was in my 20s, men would whistle at other women but not me. But I still knew in my gut, and from things guys would say, from fathers to potential dates, that those beauty standards and the sexualization expectations were affecting my ability to have equal relations with men… and other women’s relations with men, also, even if it was operating more indirectly than the whistlers’s whistling and the catcallers’s catcalling)

I was thinking of bringing this to the action planning meeting of the class — to try to find a way to dramatize the main source of what the harassers are doing and maybe even try to win them [the harassers] over with class consciousness-raising, rather than ONLY “calling out” male supremacy and sexism…


“This Oppresses Women” Stickers Make the News and Morph into Graffiti in NYC Subway

This Oppresses Women Graffiti Union Square National Womens Liberation Redstockings NYC 2015This oppresses women graffiti National Womens Liberation Redstockings NYC Subway 2015In today’s Huffington Post, reporter Emma Gray sympathetically covers National Women’s Liberation and Redstockings‘ revitalization of vintage 1969 “This Oppresses Women” stickers in a campaign to fight sexist advertising and street harassment. In Gray’s article “‘This Oppresses Women’ Stickers Give Body-Shaming Ads The Edit They So Desperately Need,” she frames the campaign as raising “public consciousness surrounding the ways advertisements contribute to a culture of sexual harassment and over-sexualization of women.”

Not only has the public response begun to escalate on social media with the Huffington Post article and #thisoppresseswomen on twitter and instagram, but one National Women’s Liberation organizer found evidence of an unknown independent activist managing to plant a graffitti version of the sticker in a highly visible but difficult to reach spot at New York City’s Union Square subway station.

Email NWL if you missed the last meeting, but would still like to get involved this summer – We will be handing out more copies of our stickers at the next NWL meeting at the Brooklyn Commons on Tuesday, July 21 at 7 pm.

Share your photos of “This Oppresses Women” slogans slapped on sexist advertisements and images with #thisoppresseswomen. And keep up with the Redstockings and NWL facebook pages for even more conversations, debates, and updates on our actions.

Sticker Action in the Subways and More Campaigning Against Sexist Admakers & Street Harrassers

Sticker discovered on ad in 23rd St C/E station in Manhattan

Sticker discovered on ad in 23rd St C/E station in Manhattan

3 Upcoming meetings, the first on June 16th!

From a National Women’s Liberation Email:

Women, are you sick of being bombarded with advertisements that depict women only as sexual objects? That use our bodies to sell products? That embolden men to disrespect us? That tell us we are not worthy unless we conform to unrealistic, sexist, racist, and unhealthy beauty standards? So are we! Join us and fight back. Attend our next meeting on Tues June 16th at 7pm (details below).

National Women’s Liberation and Redstockings recently teamed up to re-create the vintage 1969 “This Oppresses Women” sticker for slapping on sexist ads. The sticker is one of the “1960s gems” from the Redstockings Women’s Liberation Archives for Action. Help us plan a zap action using the stickers this summer.

Take pictures of offensive ads and send them to us to share on our facebook page – and join and share the facebook event.

The original 1969 sticker.

The original 1969 sticker.

More on the stickers

The sticker was an outgrowth of our joint 10 week class, “Building Women’s Liberation Now: Gems from the 1960s and Beyond for Radical Feminist Theory & Action Today.” Through consciousness-raising, women testified about being fed up with men who feel entitled to harass us on the street, tell us to smile, and/or comment on our appearance. From there we dug deeper, investigating the connection between street harassment and what corporate forces gain through the sexualization and exploitation of women in advertising plastered all over our public spaces. This summer we plan to raise consciousness publicly.

Meeting Details

Tuesday June 16th from 7:00-900pm

The Commons in Brooklyn, 388 Atlantic Avenue between Hoyt and Bond, near the Hoyt-Schermerhorn Street A/C/G. You can also take the 2,3,4,5 to Nevins or the D,N,R to Atlantic-Pacific. Map.

RSVP: Encouraged but not required, to

Reserve Third Tuesdays @ the Commons for our monthly meetings

  • Tues June 16 7:00-9:00
  • Tues July 21 7:00-9:00
  • August – no meeting
  • Tues September 15th 7:00-9:00

Redstockings Radical Feminist Joins Upcoming Left Forum Panel in NYC – Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 5:10 pm.

1970 Buttons Mademoiselle Redstockings Archives Feminist RevolutionHear Kathie Sarachild – a founding member of the 1960s radical feminist group Redstockings, who continues to work with the group today – share lessons about the successes and challenges of maintaining a Women’s Liberation Archives for Action and raising support to have this radical herstory cataloged, microfilmed, and digitized for a wide public.

She will discuss where the Archives for Action fits into Redstockings’ overall strategy for radical change (including some of the principles of radical independence in financing) as the group continues to organize, mobilize, develop, and disseminate radical feminist ideas.

The panel on disseminating radical archives will be presented at the Left Forum from 5:10 – 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 30, 2015, at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 524 W 59th st. between 10th and 11th aves. (Childcare is also provided at the Left Forum!)

More general info on this year’s annual 3-day Left Forum conference in NYC at

Strategize Next Steps in a Women’s Liberation Protest Campaign Against Sexist Ads and Catcalling — May 19, 2015 in Brooklyn, 7 to 9 PM — ALL WOMEN WELCOME!

1969 Women's Liberation stickers assail 2015 ads. We can't believe we are still protesting this crap!

1969 Women’s Liberation stickers assail 2015 ads. We can’t believe we are still protesting this crap!

Is there a link between the barrage of sexualized images of women in advertisements and the catcalling that bombards us on the street? “Radical” comes from the Latin word for “root,” and as radical women, we are aiming for their common root.

Earlier this spring, National Women’s Liberation and Redstockings held an​ action to “take on the interlocking tentacles of male chauvinist pig catcallers on the street and the sexist ad makers of big business.”  We  protested outside ​an outlet of American Apparel, one of the worst offenders of the sexist admakers.


The action ​was an outgrowth of our joint ​10-week class last fall:  “Building Women’s Liberation Now: Gems from the 1960s and Beyond for Radical Feminist Theory & Action Today.” Through consciousness-raising in the class, women testified about being fed up with men who feel entitled to harass us on the street, on the job, in our homes, or anywhere else. Men tell us to smile, comment on our appearance, and continue to see us and treat us as sexual objects. From there we dug deeper, investigating the connection between street harassment and the ads and admakers who profit from sexualization and exploitation plastered all over our public spaces.


Activists from the Women’s Liberation class picket outside American Apparel, NYC, 2/7/2015. More photos on National Women’s Liberation’s Facebook page.

​As part of planning for the class​’s action​, National Women’s Liberation emailed out a meme and announcement that Occupy Wall Street picked up and posted on its Facebook page, provoking a storm of debate and discussion that garnered over 1,000 likes and hundreds of comments. This may have led to the large​ police presence at the protest. Redstockings also sent the meme and an announcement of the protest to its mailing list, noting the lack of progress in the USA between 1969, when the Women’s Liberation Movement first started ​slapping​ “this oppresses women” stickers on sexist ads, and today’s U.S.A.


With all this buzz, and earlier attacks also, the new female chief executive of American Apparel responded during the heat of the class’ protest announcement and debate, that their ads would be “less overtly sexual… there’s a way to tell our story that’s less offensive.”

There is still much ground to be gained with American Apparel, ​nor are​ they the only (or worst) offender in the suites of the ad-makers or the streets of the cat-callers. The struggle for female liberation from all of this male supremacist and capitalist crap needs to continue ​and​ get sharper and more powerful.


The May 19th meeting will be evaluating the materials created for the protest with an eye towards holding another action this summer. NEW WOMEN WELCOME! Join us for a discussion of the following flyers and statements, and join the facebook event!

Street Harassment Project Mission Statement (Pre-Amble, Our Beliefs, Our Intentions)

Redstockings 1969 Stickers Assail 2015 Ads

NWL/Redstockings flyer “All men benefit but ‘The Man’ Profits”

Help us sharpen our aim and our analysis! 

Join us at the meeting! THE COMMONS in BROOKLYN. 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Between Hoyt and Bond streets. Trains: A/C/G/2/3/4/5/B/D/F/N/Q/R